The unseen progress

While ago, had an important update on its interface. It’s somehow more clear to navigate but, still, there is a huge room for improvements. Its best feature, though, is that the data is fetched directly from the network. Considering this as key point of the purpose of the project, the progress from “having nothing”… Continue reading The unseen progress

Update report

More updates on Arching Kaos project. Specifically on the ( and are pointing to the same place) news articles are supporting MarkDown syntax, Chat is stable, a new section for logging the process that ‘s happening in the background while you wait for content to appear and some tweaks that help the overall… Continue reading Update report

Liquidity pools

Hello again! There are pools providing some liquidity for KAOTISKHUND and ARCHINGKAOS assets on Stellar network. You can buy some just to explore the features and get to know the Stellar network. Why Liquidity pools? Simply because I will not be able to manage any trades by myself or provide a good system for distributing… Continue reading Liquidity pools

KAOTISKHUND asset announcement

KAOTISKHUND asset is available for sale over the Stellar Network. If you don’t have a Stellar account, you can create one easily. You can purchase KAOTISKHUND tokens in order to help the organization grow economically. You can ask as well for tokens by sending us your Stellar account. Your account then will be on a… Continue reading KAOTISKHUND asset announcement

1 ARCHINGKAOS for sale

There is a liquidity pool available in Stellar Network. It is there to create revenue or whatever. I mostly put it there to see what is happening. You can not buy more than 1 ARCHINGKAOS for the time. Supposingly that someone is using AKI project to operate something, you don’t need more that 0.2 ARCHINGKAOS.


It’s settled and gone! Arching Kaos reached it’s fully decentralized form. By using the ARCHINGKAOS asset on Stellar network, publishing and retrieval of information has been made possible. ARCHINGKAOS asset is used as a public database. Tools for publishing and retrieval of information from this kind of database are hosted on a git repository and… Continue reading Breakthrough

Getting there

A lot of processing was done the past months. The future of the project in general, the use of the asset and more. In order to maintain the radio station and also be available whether the main source is or not available, a system was created based on the ARCHINGKAOS asset. A database populated with… Continue reading Getting there

Hello world!

Welcome to Arching Kaos Organization. Here you will find all the projects that we host, serve or deliver.